
Can you think of a prompt? Post it in the comments! 

Write a short story based on you favorite poem

Describe the most annoying sound

Write a goodbye between two people who only met for a single moment, and then one between people who have known each other for all their lives

Write all the rules your character could never possibly follow

A cat can speak, and everyone believes it’s clever and speaking prophecy, but it’s really spouting nonsense

Write a person who volunteers to be placed in solitary confinement. What is their motivation?

Transpose Disney characters into the more authentic versions of their fairytales

Their first step, nothing happens; The second, someone screams; At the third step they can’t breathe. What’s happening?

Write from the point of view of the first robot with a human-like conscience

Write about a supernatural creature trying to live a normal human life

Rewrite a classic fairy tale or fable with the opposite moral or lesson of the original

Write about a scientist finding out his most brilliant idea was stolen from him

A person finds an object in their house that shouldn’t be there. It slowly drives them insane

A hero begins to understand the reason behind his enemy’s acts. Because of that, he slowly becomes a villain too

Write about a pathological liar trying to recall if certain events of his life really happened or if they are made up

During the apocalypse, someone finds a way of turning zombies back into people, accidentally. Write about this accident

Write with simple language, as if it was a children’s book. Make the story too disturbing to actually be for children

Write a story that turns into a horror story in the last line

Write about two characters who are soulmates. Explain the coincidence that made them never meet

Make a story with the most hateful character you can think of. At the very end, make them likable

An overly optimistic character is  struggling to see the good side of recent events. He’s in a horror movie

The chosen one refused to leave everything behind to save the world. What happens now?

Write about a wait

"So… I wasn’t supposed to press that button?"

They are allowed a single statement before their certain death

Describe a color without ever mentioning its name

Write a love story. Give it an unimaginable plot twist

Pick the title of a book you have not read. Write something based on what you think the book is about

Write about a character who doesn’t have one of their senses

Your character is invited to a dinner. When they arrive they find that they are to eat with two others they hate. They can’t leave

Your emotional character is suddenly devoid of emotion

Pick out a demon’s name from wikipedia’s list of theological demons. Create or re-imagine a story for them

Write about why they don’t think they should be the bigger person

Write a person unmotivated to hurt someone, but they do so anyway

Write a fairytale or fable which influenced your character in some way

Describe an illness as a presence, like a person of its own

Write a story in questions?

"If you’re going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

Write a scene where someone is reduced to sobbing without being touched or spoken to

Write a scene the way a dream happens. Short bursts. Unexplained details. Accepted realities that make no sense at all

Write about an affair that isn’t a secret, isn’t scandalous, and is hardly worth the work of hiding

Create a list of every possession you would keep in your pockets, always, if your pockets were endless and weightless

Write a revolution

Choose a setting. 
Delete all words which name that setting from your vocabulary while you write

Write for fifteen minutes straight. Do not stop. Do not look up words. Make up words if you have to, or smatter the page in gibberish

They wake up in a bed they don’t recognize

One character is determined to take up residence with another

"He’s quiet as he sobs."

Write someone doing something good and positive, but do it from a perspective which demonizes them

Open the nearest book to page 88 and read the fifth sentence. Use that same sentence in your story

Write the meeting of two integral characters as something made to be small and insignificant

"He manages the phone with unsure hands."

Rework an old fable or fairytale into the modern world. No magic.

Write the stories of people you only see for an instant, as they pass you on the walk

A man arrives late and misses something seemingly trivial. Why is it so important that he should’ve been there?

Find your oldest piece of writing and rewrite it

Your character is thrust into a position of leadership upon arriving in a new place

Your character must wait a painfully long twenty four hours for something they desperately want

A world which ages backward. The vegetation sprouts out of a dead world. The technology regresses. And each creature devolves

Something tragic has happened, but never clarify about what it was exactly that happened

Your character is an elderly and entirely incompetant wizard, but he’s regarded as the greatest of his trade

Write your character being taken care of by someone younger than them

Disclaimer: I did not think of most of these.

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